Jack’s Story
The problem
Since his late teens Jack has wanted to permanently remove the hair on his back.
Most of his life he has had a very hairy back. It has made him very self-conscious and reluctant to go to the beach or take his shirt off on a hot day. Jack told us:
“I feel that girls don’t like hairy backs and that this has really held me back socially. I know some people think that is crazy and I should be happy with the person I am but when I look back on those early years I can see that it has made me quite miserable. I had spent some years having my back waxed but it grew back quite quickly and seemed to get worse over time.”
The options for permanent male back hair removal
I recently discovered that I could have laser hair removal and got the courage to go along for a free consultation.
The nurse I spoke to made me feel really comfortable and we had a bit of a laugh about the terrible time I'd had. She told me that most guys hate hairy backs so I wasn’t alone with my problem. She explained that three or four treatments would clear a great part of my back hair, and that a couple of treatments a year after that would keep it under control. She explained that laser hair removal works for men on facial hair, beard hair and back hair. The treatment will not get rid of every hair but it will reduce it markedly. She explained that as we get older we often get more hair growing and so that is why it is better do get the bulk of it done and then work on a maintenance program.
The results
“I had four treatments, six weeks apart and the results have been amazing. I saw a big difference immediately and by four treatments my back was looking so much better. I now feel confident taking my shirt off at the beach, which I had really missed, I no longer have the hassles with messy wax and even between treatments the hair is much finer than it was before. I can’t thank the Laser Skin technologies team enough; it has made such a difference to my life.” Now I plan to have one treatment at the beginning of each summer and then maybe I will do one before I go on a winter holiday to the Pacific.
NB: Names have been changed to protect the privacy of our Skin Technologies client.
Call us now on 09 361 6604 or contact us to make an appointment for a free consultation.