51 Mackelvie Street, Ponsonby, Auckland
0800 465 2737
09 972 9671


Plasmage has been developed to treat delicate areas, like upper and lower eyelids, where lasers and surgical units cannot.

Plasmage delivers plasma energy to the skin via the handpiece tip. It is a device for non-invasive treatment and can treat multiple aesthetic and dermatalogical indications.

Contact us today and get your COMPLIMENTARY personalized consultation NOW


What Does Plasmage Treat?

  • Blefaroplasma (hooded eyelids) less downtime than conventional surgery
  • Wrinkles and Fine Lines
  • Xanthelasma (yellow deposits around the eye)
  • Acne
  • Scars/Stretch marks
  • Lentigo (sun spots)
  • Fibroma (skin tags)

What to Expect During your Treatment

Topical anesthetic may be applied depending on the area treated.
During the treatment you will feel some heat from the handpiece.
There will be some swelling around the areas treated.
There will be some “crusting” of the area that was treated.
You must avoid encouraging these crusts to fall off by trying not to touch the area whilst washing.
The crusts are crucial to the healing process and protecting the new skin forming underneath.