51 Mackelvie Street, Ponsonby, Auckland
0800 465 2737
09 972 9671


Profhilo® is a bio-remodeling product, it is a slow-release high and low molecular Hyaluronic Acid.
This does not act like a dermal filler it does not volumise, instead induces the bio-stimulation of cells.
Thereby stimulating the production of new collagen and elastin in the superficial layers of the skin.
This results in fewer lines and wrinkles, it is an intense hydration for the skin and therefore an improvement in the overall texture.

An appointment is approximately half an hour. The procedure may cause minimal discomfort.

Contact us today and get your COMPLIMENTARY personalized consultation NOW


So what is Profhilo®?

Profhilo® is a bio-remodelling product that works through the slow release of both high and low molecular weight Hyaluronic Acid. While it consists of pure HA, it is not a dermal filler in the traditional sense, as its function is not to volumise but to induce bio-stimulation of cells. This means it stimulates the laying-down of new collagen and elastin in the superficial layers, just under the surface of the skin.

Once injected Profhilo® spreads and becomes integrated into the skin.

The result is lifted tissue with fewer lines and wrinkles, improved texture and intense hydration.

How long does a treatment take?

While an appointment is 30 minutes, there are very specific injection points used and the actual treatment takes only 10 minutes. It is relatively pain free and there is no downtime required.

What areas can be treated?

You can use it on the face, neck, hands, as well as the décolletage. If you have a different area of concern please discuss this with your practitioner.

How long will the treatment last?

It is recommended to repeat annually, but the treatment can be repeated every six months.

What side effects can Profhilo® cause?

The common injection related side effects are localised and temporary, and may include one or more of the following:

    • Swelling, redness and/or slight bruising.
    • Occasionally itching, pain/tenderness, or increasing swelling.
    • Rare risks such as blindness, loss of blood supply to an area of skin and infection associated with the filler product have been reported in literature. These are treatable if managed appropriately.

Am I suitable for this treatment?

With our natural collagen and elastin formation slowing from as young as 20 years of age anybody and everybody can benefit from Profhilo® whether you are 30 or 70, male or female you will notice the difference.

Information and Disclaimers

PROFHILO® containing low & high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, is a Class III medical device for the treatment of the face and body for contours redefinition and laxity remodelling where skin laxity is a problem. Profhilo® has risks and benefits. Do not use with treatments such a laser resurfacing or medium deep skin-peeling. Caution in people on blood thinning medicines. Do not inject into inflamed areas or intravenously or intramuscularly. Possible side effects: pain and swelling at injection site. Accelagen Pty.  Ltd. Whanganui. 
PROFHILO® STRUCTURA is a class III medical device and must be injected by a medical practitioner or a qualified nurse injector (operating under the supervision of a medical practitioner).
PROFHILO® STRUCTURA [4.5% – 22.5 mg (H-HA) + 22.5 mg (L-HA)/1 ml Hyaluronic acid sodium salt and 4.5% – 45 mg (H-HA) + 45 mg (L-HA)/2 ml Hyaluronic acid sodium salt], injection gel in a single use sterile prefilled syringe. It is indicated for adults of both sexes for corrective/filling action of natural or induced skin depressions.
PROFHILO® STRUCTURA has risks and benefits. Ask your healthcare professional if PROFHILO® STRUCTURA is right for you and to explain the possible side effects.
WARNINGS & PRECAUTIONS: Do not use PROFHILO® STRUCTURA in case of known hypersensitivity or allergies to the components of the product. Do not use it in pregnant or breast-feeding women, or in patients with autoimmune diseases. Do not inject intravascularly, into the muscles or tendons, or for breast enlargement.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: PROFHILO® STRUCTURA must not be used in conjunction with treatments such as laser resurfacing and medium-deep peeling. Tell your doctor if any side effects concern you.
Treatment costs and normal practitioner fees will apply. Please contact us for any further information about the IFU (Instructions for use) of this product or for medical information or reporting any adverse effects.